In fact, the couple earn much of their living from the prison experience.
A married couple earning $90,000 would see their average bill fall to $2,110 from $4,207.
A couple earning $25,000 a year, for example, could put away $500 and receive another $1,500 from the government.
For a married couple with two children earning $100,000 a year, the increase would mean about $400 in new taxes, officials said.
For a couple earning $60,000 with two children, that would mean an additional tax cut of $800, campaign officials said.
The couple also earned $266,336 in interest, and $145,285 for his state salary.
The program would not be available to couples earning more than $100,000.
A couple earning less than $120,000 could deposit up to $5,000.
By contrast, a couple earning $100,000 would pay $4,900 more.
To qualify for such assistance, a couple may earn no more than $44,000 a year.