The name made Lange burst in laughter when he first heard it, and the couple completed the song together.
When the couple completed the third circuit, the silence was broken as people got up to offer good wishes.
The couple did not complete their journey alone.
The couple completed the cruise and returned home on Tuesday.
In January 2010, the couple negotiated and completed an out-of-court divorce agreement.
The couple have nearly completed a second, smaller complex of stores and offices across the street.
It's believed that happy couples could disembark, complete the ceremony, and be back on board within an hour.
The two couples completed a $2 million renovation of the Victorian hostelry in 1983.
To date, 25 couples who came out of Ciba have completed our entire program.
If the couple chose to return and then completed the bonus round a second time, the offer increased to $10,000.