But their winter journey to Lasdon Park in Somers ended at the closed iron gate that marks the entrance to the county-owned site.
Mr. O'Rourke responded with a plan to build 500 to 600 units of affordable housing on county-owned sites in 20 communities.
He said under the program, which bans aerial spraying, workers can respond just to complaints from county-owned sites.
But Mr. Broad said that piecemeal development of the city- and county-owned sites would have been a mistake.
The county-owned sites are to be donated to HELP, which would purchase the Mount Vernon land.
The additional county-owned sites would be considered for long-term housing under the judge's order.
The plan calls for building 500 to 600 units of housing on 20 county-owned sites in communities throughout the county.
The Board of Legislators tomorrow will begin considering a proposal to transfer the county-owned site to the Village of Harrison.
The plan calls for the construction of 25 two-family homes, built for $154,000 to $184,000, on a 4.5 acre county-owned site on Main Street.
Westchester County has announced a plan to turn a vacant 60-acre county-owned site in Valhalla into a privately financed biotechnology and medical research park.