The aging, ailing and deficit-ridden Nassau hospital has its own set of problems that the county and a management team have been struggling to overcome.
Racial diversity has not been high on the agenda as the county struggles to cope with its transformation from a quiet agricultural outpost.
The county and region are struggling economically.
These counties are still struggling to come up with financial plans.
Since November this otherwise wealthy county has been struggling to close a budget gap that had been estimated at $60 million to $110 million.
The counties around New York City are struggling to cope with a sharp increase in homelessness.
Situated 45 miles southeast of Richmond, this county of 10,000 has long struggled to get by.
Nearly 500 of Essex County's 5,100 employees will lose their jobs as the county struggles to balance its budget.
Martial law was established for four years after the war as guerilla warfare continued and the county struggled to rebuild.
That was 1986, and the county still struggles to shuck its shocking reputation.