The county regiments, which had been by-passed during the first world war, were in dire need of revitalization.
The county regiments, which had been by-passed during the First World War, were in dire need of revitalization.
Until 1861 the militia were an entirely infantry force, but in that year a number of county regiments were converted to artillery.
On formation, The Rifles became the county regiment of the following counties:
The RRF serves as the county regiment of the following counties:
The regiment served as the county regiment of the following counties:
The existing county regiments were divided into their new brigades as follows:
The Loyals were one of seven county regiments recruiting in Lancashire.
By the end of the War, some county regiments had raised a dozen battalions or more.
In 1988, it was disbanded, with its companies rebadged (transferred) back to their original county regiments.