It was just a matter of time until the two counties joined forces, realtors say.
Over the last two years, Mr. Croucher and both the county and borough historical societies have joined in efforts to save the house.
Officials said the town and the county would join in a lawsuit to block the plan if it was implemented.
At the beginning of the 1990s, counties which were not already registered joined the organisation and games are currently played in all counties in Ireland.
The city and the county joined forces in 1990 to form Gateway Development Corporation, a nonprofit group charged with overseeing the project's development.
The county has joined, too, delivering hundreds of meals a day to people in their homes and channeling Federal and state funds to local governments.
The county resisted the illegal taxation of Charles I and joined in a protest against the arrest of the five members.
At the same time the county extended the original courthouse and the 1937 addition west to abut the annex and joined their hallways.
In 1971 the city and county joined to build a new hospital on South Telshor Boulevard.
The county only joined the competition in 1992, replacing Durham, who were promoted to first-class status in the same year.