However, counties can declare themselves "dry"; the state does not sell alcohol in those areas.
If it doesn't rain substantially this spring, the county could declare its first Stage 4 Drought Emergency.
The county declared bankruptcy in December in the face of a $1.7 billion loss from risky investments.
Once the county declared bankruptcy, though, creditors could not shut off the electricity or repossess the fire trucks.
But only three months after the offering, the county declared bankruptcy and the investment pool was unable to redeem any bonds.
The county declared the building unsafe and vacated it in 1864.
In the Civil War of the 17th century, the county declared almost unanimously for the parliament.
The dispute continued for months until December 2003, when the county legally declared the stadium a condominium and took ownership.
The county has declared bankruptcy and cut back its spending.
The 70-year-old bridge, which the county has declared to be structurally deficient, is being replaced with a $40 million fixed span.