The association, which has about 160 members from more than 10 county communities and from Norwalk, Conn., is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
Many county communities are located on the Canadian border, making international travel by snowmobile convenient.
These schools include community day, continuation, opportunity, county community, juvenile court, Division of Juvenile Justice, and other alternative schools that meet stringent criteria set by the California State Board of Education (SBE).
"I see no alternative other than to grandfather in all plumbers who have a minimum of 10 years' experience and a certificate of competency to work in a county community," Mr. Dapice said.
Betsy Ross has many connections within the New Haven county community including the Quinnipiac University College Scholars Program and a residency with Shubert Theatre (New Haven).
Talk of secession from Cook County amongst some outlying communities again heated up in mid-2008 in response to a highly controversial 1% sales tax hike which has pushed the tax rates across the county communities up amongst the highest in the nation.
Stop perpetuating the system that caused this problem in the first place and make all residents of Westchester take responsibility not only for their garbage and sewage, but also, and perhaps more important, for a fair and just county community.
Together, these were designated a county community (Communauté des Communes) on January 8, 1994, the first to be created in a French Overseas department.
The House of Commons would no longer reflect the ancient idea and be representative of "whole" boroughs, county communities, or corporate interests but would be representative of unorganised masses of individual men since at this time no women had the vote.
In some county communities close to Washington, there was a higher concentration of black residents than in more outlying areas.