Who is a legend in the sport and keeps the cross country tradition alive at Gross Catholic.
The race features a man-made 5 kilometer course that is completed with three loops, following European cross country tradition.
That song showed the distance between the country tradition and its newer converts.
Only later on might they let slip that they are interested in country traditions, alternative healing methods, folklore or some such thing.
Or they turn to modern country music, which has abandoned the stark fatalism and troubled faith of country tradition.
We like big hair in The Band Perry, but that is kind of a country tradition.
Since age 7, I have been warned by my aunts and grandmothers never to revive that shameful old country tradition.
Ms. Knight's open, hollering voice also connotes the country tradition.
Malcolm is a minister's son and a policeman who does not understand our old country traditions.
They are delimited by culture, such as country traditions, traditional lifestyle, songs, tales, etc.