If country two specializes only in cards, it will make of a card at the expense of a pencil.
In Ricardo's idea of comparative advantage, these two countries should specialize in what they do best.
Even a person paid to think otherwise perhaps can see that this country specialises in the interesting bits other than metal bashing.
This would mean that countries specialise in the work they can do at the lowest cost.
Usually a peripheral country will specialize in one particular industry, leaving it vulnerable to economic instability and limiting international investment.
Increasing trade is all to the good and allows both countries to specialize in what they do best.
Companies and countries increasingly specialize in a few stages of the production of a good or a service.
That's the process by which each country will specialize in what it produces best - the key to lifting living standards.
Economic trade theory assumes that countries will specialize and produce the goods they are relatively good at producing.
The country has specialised in the cross-border fund administration business.