The country prospered, and its military might was further reinforced.
I started to think how could we bring new people, who would know how to make our country prosper.
In 2007, when the last elections were held, the country was prospering.
The King was treated as a semi-divine being, responsible for making the country prosper.
The country has certainly prospered but Suddie hasn't changed a great deal since he was born in the 1940s - especially at the hospital.
During the period of Russian rule the country generally prospered.
A booming high-tech industry and record numbers of tourists helped the country prosper in the late 1990's.
Under his rule, the country had prospered, though the poverty levels were extremely high among the baseline human population.
No country, developed or developing, can prosper without one.
If the government attends to its business, the country prospers.