The country has already embarked on the path to a different kind of economy.
In the period just before or just after their independence many countries embarked, quite naturally, on primary school syllabus changes.
What's more, his country of 8.3 million people is embarking on a tax overhaul broadly similar to the changes last year in the United States.
With the advent of Independence, the country embarked upon the 5-year development plans.
The effect was to cast the battle against terrorism on which the country has embarked in almost biblical terms.
Several other countries have embarked on similar programs.
The country embarked on a crash program to build dozens of nuclear power plants.
The country has embarked on an experiment in aboriginal self-government-which the rest of the world is watching.
My country today has embarked upon a path of new reforms.
Admittedly, some African countries have already embarked on some promising initiatives with the help of the international community.