These countries comprise an area of 5 130 746 km2 and a fifth of the population of the world.
These countries comprise the "eurozone", some 326 million people in total.
The new country comprised two wings, separated by 1000 miles of Indian territory, in the Indian Subcontinent.
It has a number of territories overseas which, together with mainland France and Corsica, go to make up the 26 regions which the country comprises.
Other countries comprise an additional 606,370.
The country comprises 20 states, two federal territories, a Federal District around the capital and 72 federal dependencies.
The entire country comprises a single diocese, the Archdiocese of Castries.
The country comprises the island of Greenland - the largest island in the world - and more than a hundred other smaller islands (see alphabetic list).
Developed countries consume more than 60% of the world industrial raw materials and only comprise 22% of the world's population.
The country from Moama to Deniliquin comprises a series of almost level plains.