Banker: "Don't you know our country has borrowed huge sums of money from abroad?"
The fourth reason is that poor countries have borrowed ridiculous sums of money from both developed and developing economies.
That forces the countries to borrow more, so forcing up accumulated debt.
Wars are expensive, and the country could not borrow enough to cover the whole bill.
Part of the problem is that far more countries can borrow money on international markets than ever before.
And it has its costs: When countries can borrow cheaply, they are less likely to reform their economies.
When a country borrows beyond its means, its credit rating should go down along with the exchange rate.
"We were all standing in line trying to help these countries borrow money."
The World Bank often allows countries to borrow many times what they pay in.
When the economy turned south, the country could not borrow enough to make ends meet and collapsed.