Frequent conflict with the authorities, including alleged drug use, and his romantic involvements ensured that during this time Jagger was never far from the headlines, and he was often portrayed as a counterculture figure.
OVER time, the most radical counterculture figures usually go from being controversial to merely provocative.
"It's pretty much a service for meditation, and that was very consistent with the stuff Alan Watts," the Zen scholar, and Timothy Leary, the counterculture figure, were saying.
"High Times started out as a celebration of outlaw culture in America," Mr. Flores-Williams said, recalling long-ago issues with counterculture figures like Andy Warhol on the front.
Winning in the Personal Web Site category was Timothy Leary's home page, a site that chronicled the life and death of the counterculture figure, L.S.D. proponent and, most recently, on-line aficionado.
Similarly, the books espouse the use of mind-altering substances to achieve higher states of consciousness, in line with the beliefs of key counterculture figures like Timothy Leary, who is mentioned throughout the three novels.
Mr. Kesey was a major counterculture figure in the 1960's.
Mr. Moore, a counterculture figure who briefly edited the magazine Mother Jones, is the first to acknowledge that "Roger and Me" makes no pretense of being fair.
Burroughs became a counterculture figure and inspired 1970s proto punk rock band Doctors of Madness.
Much of the information in those files relates to his association with counterculture figures, protest organizers, musicians, and other people described by the FBI as "subversive".