The charges included "rioting", "vandalism" and "acting against national security", "disturbing public order," having ties with counter-revolutionary groups according to official sources.
Others, he said, were "counter-revolutionary groups" who had "penetrated election headquarters" of the election candidates.
Fedir Doroshko, arrested on 15 February 1937 as a leader of a counter-revolutionary group and shot on 28 April 1938 at 23.00.
The house was used as a meeting place for the Iran Freedom Foundation, a counter-revolutionary group, and one of Tabatabai's associates answered the door.
He was indicted for organizing a meeting of the counter-revolutionary group.
No group claimed responsibility for the attack, however the local governor blamed the attack on "counter-revolutionary groups".
As revealed by the media, the Washington ruling circles have actively assisted counter-revolutionary groups to help organise and incite sabotage in Syria.
The term "counter-revolutionary fascist groups" came into use within the Soviet secret police in 1938 as they carried out the purges.
The supporters of Carlism during the 19th century to the present day are perhaps the oldest surviving counter-revolutionary group in Spain.
Soon after the success of the Cuban Revolution, militant counter-revolutionary groups developed in an attempt to overthrow the new regime.