Colombian Students March BOGOTA, Colombia, March 17 (Reuters) - About 700,000 students took to the streets of Colombia today in a show of resolve to counter drug abuse and trafficking.
In January 2006, CEOs from the private sector and representatives of NGOs, international organizations, and governments came together in Athens, Greece to share their expertise and develop business measures to counter human trafficking.
PSI was to "assist participating countries to counter known terrorist operations and border incursions, as well as trafficking of people, illicit materials, and other goods."
He also serves as a policy advisor to the Polaris Project to counter human trafficking.
The Sindh Police has been actively involved in countering human trafficking, drug trde, gang rivalry (as seen in the Lyari Operation).
Traditionally, attempts to counter trafficking have been directed to 'source' countries, where the general public has been informed of migration risks.
The campaign has been usually promoted on the occasion of an international or European event or a memorial day that relates to migration or countering human trafficking.
I am promoting and encouraging better and closer cooperation between all the specialised national units dealing with countering trafficking in human beings.
The Commission, together with Member States, must be far more proactive in countering the sale and trafficking of organs and transplant tourism.
Mr President, in connection with measures to counter trafficking I will say just one word: Europol. It is of course a scandal that Europol is not yet able to function properly.