When Mr. Brill asked that question, Mr. Starr replied that they would be violations except when he was "countering misinformation" about his office.
In the introduction, the Dalai Lama explains that he wrote the book to "to counter Chinese claims and misinformation" about the history of Tibet.
During World War II he enlisted and worked for British intelligence in Bulgaria and later, having become disillusioned with communism, for the British Foreign Office in a programme that countered Soviet propaganda and misinformation.
Like several of his colleagues, Mr. Brown said he was seeking to counter misinformation that was being spread by opponents of the President's plan.
CAMERA runs a student-focused site, CAMERAonCampus.org, containing specialized information available for countering misinformation, providing news about events on campuses, and with information on people, films, and books that deal with the conflict.
The memorandum goes on to urge supporters of the President's plan to show up and demonstrate their support by "wearing NHCC buttons and holding NHCC signs," while "countering misinformation" by asking questions and "correcting misstatements."
There are always two sides to the story but it is also important to counter misinformation and lies.
But the disclosure by Attorney General John Ashcroft, who said he grudgingly agreed to declassify the data on demands for library records to counter "misinformation," is unlikely to end the debate soon.
Starr rejects this interpretation of the guidelines and says he is authorized to brief reporters whenever necessary to "counter misinformation" and "engender confidence in the work of this office."
On March 26, 2007, the Newfoundland and Labrador government launched a seal hunt website to counter "misinformation" spread by animal rights groups.