Late Tuesday, police had given a death toll of at least 30 in Jarrell, but another count of body parts led to an adjustment today.
While the count fought and led his men to victory, the Holy Symbol was used in secret, as well.
Turning, the count lead the way through the castle and down into the courtyard, where a pair of black horses waited, harnessed to Strahd's magnificent coach.
These counts have led to a variety of creative measures to avoid undercounting.
The count opened the door and led them into a dark room.
The count simply abandoned the small, expensive aircraft and led them to the car.
The count led them through one of the doors into what was a very beautiful drawing-room and almost immediately a servant came in with refreshments.
High counts may lead to thrombosis, although this is mainly when the elevated count is due to myeloproliferative disorder.
But when the count led the regi- ment in singing the national hymn, he and King Mezentio's soldiers understood one another perfectly.
The count led him to his office.