The counts of Armagnac increased their territory through marriage and purchase.
But if Gao left the classroom to get himself some water or have a cigarette, then the hundred counts would increase to who knew how many.
The count increased rapidly until an estimated 64,000 fatalities were widely reported across front pages.
It was the 10th week in the last 11 that the count has increased.
The count increases further with systems that employ a "diversity" antenna to improve reception.
By July 2012, the count increased to more than 200 daily, even as passenger traffic at the airport decreased.
They started a Facebook page for the promotion of the film, and its total weekly count increased by 61.95 percent.
Each day, the count of dead or wounded Republican leaders increased a notch.
This count increased to 28.53% according to 2001 census, and crossing 30% as per 2011 census, standing at 31.16%.
In 2009, counts of number of species had significantly increased from years 2007 and 2008.