"The French aren't obsessed with counting carbs, fat grams, or calories," she says.
I count fat grams.
That's all there's no need to count calories or fat grams.
If you stick to this plan, you will meet Ornish's recommendation of less than 10% of your calories from fat, without the need to count fat grams or calories.
Forty-three percent counted calories, a third limited their fat intake, and a quarter counted fat grams.
The South Beach Diet doesn't count grams of carbs.
How will a pump affect counting carbohydrate grams?
Or do you still count fat grams?
You can't protect your heart by simply counting fat grams, says Alice Lichtenstein, director of the cardiovascular nutrition laboratory at the USDA's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.
The urge to live forever is so powerful that many succumb to a kind of hysteria, counting fat grams and calories, proteins and carbohydrates, as if they were milestones on the road to immortality.