If a count of 200,000 or higher is achieved for two consecutive weeks a reduced dose is administered or treatment is suspended until the count decreases below 200,000.
This count decreased further north - with a count of 78,900 vehicles per day near WIS 100's northern terminus and 69,600 closer to the Ozaukee County border.
The High-Low system is considered a single-level or level-one count, because the count never increases or decreases by more than a single, predetermined value.
"Bacterial counts are decreasing dramatically," he said.
In responders, viable counts of methanogenic bacteria decreased in the presence of extra sulphate in the diet while sulphate reducing bacteria were detected in low numbers.
Correspondingly, sulphate reducing bacteria which were not found during the basal diet, became detectable while counts of methanogenic bacteria decreased 100-fold during this period.
As the fluid density increases, the detected radiation "counts" will decrease.
In 1980 the count stood at 1,168 but by 1990 had decreased to 836.
Also, the counts in this table exclude boundary increase and decrease listings which only modify the area covered by an existing property or district, although carrying a separate National Register reference number.
The human count was decreasing in the sample, and when it was extinguished he was willing to bet the viability of the vampire component would dwindle down to nothing.