Piper sat in his room and counted birds as they passed the high window.
In Westport, 20 people participated and we counted birds within a 15-mile diameter.
"We're out in the woods now, counting birds to find out when they come and to where," he said recently.
In some larger cities, they are often the only wild animals (not counting birds) that most people ever see.
They counted birds in three types of plots: within a trail, adjacent to it and far away.
The volunteers also count birds they do not see, particularly nocturnal birds such as owls.
They try to count birds, bugs and everything else; why not count us?
At that singular time of morning when the moon and the rising sun share the sky, six people gathered in Central Park to count birds.
Novices and people who have never considered counting birds may take part by calling their local Audubon center.
Aldo showed an aptitude for observation, spending hours counting and cataloging birds near his home.