Ward's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence.
Hearst's general counsel, Robert J. Hawley, suggested another tack: the hotel could not prove any injury.
The independent counsel later suggested that the expansion of authority prior to the taping was unnecessary, as it was already within his jurisdiction.
The outside counsel employed by the committee has suggested that Mrs. Wright's employment somehow amounted to a gift.
Opposing counsel may suggest that because there were not two witnesses present for some of the President's false statements, he did not technically commit perjury.
The independent counsel suggests, however, that his proposed exception would have little to no effect on the client's willingness to confide in his attorney.
Hayes' counsel, on the other hand, suggested that the Commission should merely accept the official returns certified by the state Governor without inquiring into their validity.
Wiser counsel suggested a more cautious approach.
The ruling came even though the commission's general counsel suggested it could allow lawmakers to evade provisions meant to prohibit them from raising such money.
No counsel appearing on this appeal has attempted to defend those findings of fact or suggest that the reasons are in any way adequate.