It was a number of weeks before council workers were able to remove the rats from the surrounding streets and houses.
Three people in the street were killed - two council workers and a policeman - and several others injured.
A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable.
The television set was earlier removed by a local council worker.
"It obviously makes sense that you make common cause with council workers, health workers and teachers, because we all face the same attacks."
It was used for a range of ceremonies with public access and needed to house an increasingly large staff of council workers.
Three council workers, including one senior lawyer, were given written warnings about their actions.
These council workers are there to stop torture and death, its not a game.
We would also have to discuss the availability of regional council workers to man the helplines.
She reported that council workers said they had told their employers about the importance of the artwork.