Nations should be governed by a council of learned men who must answer to the people for their actions.
Give Egypt a council of wise men.
It set up the guurti, a council of wise men from every clan, which soon evolved into an official decision-making body.
"I am old enough to sit in a council of men," Taran interrupted excitedly.
The etoschi, a council of wise men, make the decisions in a village.
She said that the council of dead men be made up of seditious pretenders.
Originally, twelve tribal elders managed the town, but unable to plan and carry out internal improvements, they ceded their power to a council of younger men.
In that year, James Lanier was elected the first mayor, assisted by a council of "twelve fit and able men."
Reason, justice, & equity never had weight enough on the face of the earth to govern the councils of men.
Women do not speak up in the councils of men.