Earlier this year, the council joined with Mr. Roth to try to raise money to expand this program to several other rivers.
In a report to the committee, development services director Stephen Tapper recommends the council join the new group.
The council joined the Iraqi Accord Front to contest the December 2005 general election.
Last month, the council joined with the Federal Government to buy its first major parcel on the sound, 60,000 acres in the hardest-hit area.
The council joined a chorus of American voices urging that the "who is a Jew" question be dropped.
The council is joining in the next step in the reform agenda.
As the name of the $5.1 million building indicates, the council and Hollywood have joined forces.
Loud shouting matches often erupted when she spoke, in which her council eagerly joined.
A council could run its own waterworks or join with others to share a larger facility.
The council will join with state pork associations and others to seek an injunction to overturn the vote, he said.