The council insisted that learning these basics would stifle the students' creativity.
Instead, the council insisted that every film produced must be a masterpiece for promoting communist ideas and the Soviet system.
Many councils do not insist on it, so you can challenge those who do.
The council has insisted that this will be offset with a community facility.
Some councils therefore still insist on every committee decision being referred to the full council for confirmation or rejection.
The council refuted these and insisted on construction to the original specifications.
However the local council insisted turbines would not be allowed to ruin the landscape.
However, the expense of constructing this one ship was so great that the council has insisted upon its being proved.
At present if either the applicant or the council (though not objectors) insist, a public inquiry must be held.
But the council insists it's a private dispute between the Maskells and the site's new owner.