The two council members whom the council dismissed for corruption.
The council can dismiss the complaint or take "such action as is appropriate," short of removal from office.
Lower and the apothecary proved the case, and the council dismissed the false witness 'not to trouble them any more.'
The council will appoint and dismiss ministers, set budgets, send diplomats abroad and perhaps play a role in security.
A council of war, which met at two o'clock in the morning to consider the practicability of Dahlberg's proposal, dismissed it as hazardous.
Mr. Sidorowicz, former chairman of the employees council, was named to his new post in September after the council dismissed his predecessor.
The King and his council, on the recommendation of the Board of Trade, dismissed the measure and its predecessors.
After hearing witnesses and reviewing other evidence, the council of war unanimously dismissed the charges.
And while the council had dismissed the letter, it used the meeting to discuss whether to respond.
The council, according to Mr. Sawers, could supervise those ministers and even, in theory, dismiss them.