A comfortable beige couch sat facing a television set.
The room where the couch sits is hung with chocolate-colored velvet.
Across from the stone fireplace sat a flowered couch long and wide enough for Pat to sleep on with room to spare.
By one of them sat an abandoned velvet couch, decorated with gold paint.
The couch and the battered table sat in a sort of clearing, with a floor of raw concrete.
The couch sat in the room, staring at him dolefully- which was, Mark thought, a neat trick for a piece of furniture.
A couch and a chair sat around a small table by the large window.
Before her, a large double window showed the city night; a pillowed couch sat to one side, opposite two soft chairs and a table.
Antique Indian gowns hang as if crucified over a couch in one sitting room.
A couch and a chair, each covered by a white sheet, sat fifteen feet apart on a wide wooden floor.