The elaborate, fragile costume had put in a long day on the road, and showed it, and so did she.
However, Nick's costume is a little too tight and shows his big frame, which Reggie teases him about.
The costumes were old and showed the wrinkles which were the result of having been packed away in Faldor's attic for the past year.
His costume, blackish in the background, showed its maroon hue as he reached the light.
The show's producer told him his costume needed work and showed him how to make it more attractive.
The following weekend, hundreds of more citified groups, whose costumes and dance steps show greater Spanish influence, took the spotlight.
Throughout the winter and spring, company employees attend - occasionally in elaborate get-ups - costume shows around the country.
In contrast Fosso's varying costumes show that identity is determined partly as well by things over which humans lack control.
Her costume shows that she is a novice, presumably meditating on her final vows.
These posters span the life of the tramway until its closure in 1937, as the costumes show.