There's less willingness to lunge for costly high-tech weapons because of rumors the Soviets already have them.
This is why the big dealers will continue to arm their juvenile hit men with the latest, costliest weapons.
That means bigger spending on the least politically attractive part of the military budget, basic personnel salaries, and less for costly new weapons systems.
It was a costly and beautifully made weapon of the period, with an under-lever action.
SO who serves as the overseer for the biggest military contractors and their costly weapons?
It can safely be cut further by limiting or eliminating purchases of unnecessary and costly new weapons systems.
If even a costly weapon of such marginal military utility cannot be shot down, how will the Pentagon budget ever be brought under control?
The most costly weapon - massive discharge of noxious fluid - is reserved for last when all other tactics have failed.
Leaders of several groups have warned that the White House seems bent on paying for missile defense and other costly weapons by cutting conventional forces.
Today, the five costliest weapons total $550 billion, with many weapons on both lists.