One year ago, the Tour was involved in a costly struggle with Karsten Manufacturing Corporation over the issue of square grooved golf clubs.
After two months of fighting, the British captured all of High Wood, though not without another costly struggle.
These costly struggles both weakened the Redcoats as a unit and spurred the momentum of an anti-war movement in the British Isles.
John Adams predicted a long, costly struggle.
We've shared in a costly and heroic struggle against Nazism.
The final allied victory against Japan came only after a long and costly struggle.
The 2nd Infantry Brigade was soon involved in "the most costly struggle of the day".
For the last 20 years, the company has been engaged in a costly, frustrating and largely unsuccessful struggle to build a computer system that can handle these claims efficiently.
Mr. Donovan was acquitted of fraud charges after a lengthy, costly struggle.
Vietnam was a costly struggle of our nation.