We have many more people living longer, which is a blessing, but it creates the dilemma of costly medical care for families and for society.
And that saves money because healthier people require less costly care like hospitalization.
Many have chronic illnesses that require extensive and costly care.
Many providers focused on these highly profitable community support services and left seriously ill clients without the more costly care they needed.
The other is that infected immigrants will eventually require costly care.
In 2012, the sisters faced financial problems after Vivian required costly care following her fall.
The people voluntarily buying coverage are more likely to need costly medical care than the people who pass up the opportunity.
And their traditionally younger members are growing older so they typically need more costly care.
The genius of this plan is the incentive to the provider community to avoid costly care.
Therefore I do not support the proposal to create 27 definitions of specialised and costly care for this purpose.