A predetermined cost to be assigned to products produced.
That happened as recently as the early 1980's, when the steep cost of money produced losses for the credit card industry.
But by the late 1950's, rising costs along with concerns about control over programming produced profound change.
The current top cost of a ticket for a straight play on Broadway produced under conventional agreements is $45.
When there is an increase in the total money supply, or when the cost to produce things rise, prices go up.
The human cost of the fighting has produced one of the world's most severe refugee problems.
These political costs, moreover, produced only marginal gains in terms of local government expenditure control.
In such cases, costs of energy produced will grow significantly.
The costs that we will save with this package will ultimately produce more jobs and economic growth.
The economy will have to incur more variable costs, such as overtime, to produce the unit.