Funerals cost annually more money than the value of the combined gold and silver yield of the United States in the year 1880!
However, the same level of cover for an eight-year-old, 16.2-hand thoroughbred, valued at £7,000 but used for the same activities, would cost about £780 annually.
Their sleepiness-induced inefficiency, errors, accidents and health problems annually cost industry an estimated $70 billion.
It is only used on special occasions and the servicing alone costs about RM10,000 annually.
Dr. Johnson said the extended mission might cost $10 million a year, compared with the $50 million it now costs annually to operate the Galileo probe.
Costing between nothing and €6,000 annually, they enjoy a very good reputation amongst employers.
"The resulting figure should be about the amount that it costs annually to make hot water," he said.
A home insurance policy that annually costs 0.3 percent of the house's purchase value, based on data collected by the Insurance Information Institute.
Agricultural damage In the US is estimated as costing about US$800 million annually.
In mid-2006, the Navy decided to retire Dolphin, citing the $18 million her operations cost annually.