The inner wall is built in the form of a rectangle, while the outside wall is round to reflect these ancient people's circular cosmological view of the world.
The cosmological views of the Cantong qi are rooted in the system of the Yijing, or Book of Changes.
Mainstream scientists reject this cosmological view as demonstrably false and untenable.
Clearly, although he did not agree with Plato, he too was profoundly influenced by the cosmological view of time.
Song Yingxing also published two scientific tractates that outline his cosmological views.
It is also known that, in Norse paganism, cosmological views held that the universe was a world tree, known as Yggdrasil.
It's a cosmological view the human brain seems preprogrammed to take.
The cosmological view in Mesoamerica is strongly connected to the Mesoamerican gods and the spiritual world.
Like the many different peoples of Mesoamerica, the detailed surface of the cosmological views tends to be many.
In its top-down cosmological view, hierarchy equaled harmony.