At the time, there was a leather factory across the street and a Personal Products cosmetics factory just down the block.
For example, the company now has a contract with the Body Shop to utilise as plant food the complex emulsions emitted from its cosmetics factory.
In 1917, the predecessor of today's soap and cosmetics factory was founded.
During the war Cano lived in Madrid, entering the world of photography as a laboratory assistant at a cosmetics factory while still working as a bullfighter.
The output of a petrochemicals plant is an input to an asphalt plant, a cosmetics factory and a plastics factory.
Shvedskaya: Lviv perfumery and cosmetics factory.
Ava, a 40-year-old Mexican with a tired face, has worked at a cosmetics factory here for seven years, earning $7.75 an hour on an anonymous assembly line.
The Israel Katz farm is now the site of a cosmetics factory and the parking lot of the Internal Revenue Service's regional office.
She shirks an after-school job at a cosmetics factory.
But after his girlfriend got pregnant, he stopped going to school and started working at a cosmetics factory a friend told him about near his home.