The majority of her practice is now devoted to cosmetic treatments, she said.
But enough people seem to know someone - or several people - who have undergone cosmetic treatment that they find themselves considering it, too.
It is also used as a cosmetic treatment.
About 19 million adults would like some sort of cosmetic treatment, the report said.
And the belly-muscles must be giving way by now, in spite of cosmetic treatment.
"I will never go again" for any cosmetic treatment, he said.
Then she wouldn't have been bad at all, once the callus left her hands and cosmetic treatment smoothed her skin.
In recent years, however, it has become best known as a cosmetic treatment used to lessen the appearance of facial wrinkles.
A manicure is a cosmetic treatment for the fingernails or hands.
This finding may someday be incorporated into cosmetic treatments for graying hair.