It was also the first to create a cosmetic line for consumers with specific skin types and those who wear contact lenses.
She was inspired to create a cosmetic line from her grandmother, who used to make her own facial care products.
She was the face of Jay Manuel's cosmetic line but has since quit the industry and now works as a bartender.
She also has her own cosmetic line, Armour Beauty.
With this in mind, two cosmetic lines have been designed expressly to tough out handbag havoc.
After speaking about an appearance she made earlier in the week for her cosmetic line, Flirt!
The cosmetic line was sold to Estée Lauder in 2010.
Lori Montoya is the owner of a cosmetic line.
In 1974, Diane launched a cosmetic line and her first fragrance, Tatiana, which was named after her daughter.
Sui introduced her signature fragrance and cosmetic line in 1999.