(Sometimes too cozy, in fact: Sharpe James's former chief of staff and his former police director have both been convicted on corruption-related charges.)
In the past few years, Republican leaders in Suffolk and Dutchess Counties and the Democratic leader in Rockland County have all been convicted of corruption-related charges.
Mrs. Marcos faces dozens of corruption-related criminal charges in Philippine courts.
He was tried twice on corruption-related charges stemming from his effective control over Republican patronage in Mississippi; he was acquitted both times by all-white juries.
The contractor was cooperating with F.B.I. agents, who set up the sting after earlier investigations in Monmouth County that led to the convictions of five officials in 2002 on corruption-related charges.
Mr. Christie said his office has indicted or convicted some 76 elected and appointed officials for corruption-related charges in the last three years, often using the federal Hobbs Act.
The Barrios Altos massacre and La Cantuta massacre related charges were accepted unanimously, while four other corruption-related charges were passed by a majority of votes.
At the time of his death, he was under indictment for kidnapping, torture and murder, as well as corruption-related charges of tax evasion and possession of false passports.
Not only did Mr. DiVincenzo's predecessor, James Treffinger, plead guilty to corruption-related charges in federal court, but his predecessor's predecessor, Thomas D'Alessio, left office after his own brush with federal law.
Former city treasurer Corey Kemp, a member of Street's administration, was sentenced to 10 years in jail after being found guilty on 27 corruption-related charges in May 2005.