Numerous people have already been sent to jail because of the corruption surrounding Mr. Rowland's administration, and two people are awaiting sentencing.
He was replaced by Hugo Anzorreguy following constant accusations of corruption surrounding the Presidential environment.
The probe into allegations of corruption surrounding the Commonwealth Games should be completed within three months.
The recovery efforts resulted in an FBI and IRS investigation into alleged corruption surrounding the use of government funds.
As the wife of an attorney (Dana Andrews) in the 1947 film "Boomerang," she became embroiled in the corruption surrounding a notorious murder.
The Country party roundly denounced the corruption surrounding the "court" party in London centering on the royal court.
He is learning, he said, that the shadow of corruption surrounding a few officers can shroud the entire Police Department in doubt.
British policy was one of laissez-faire or non-interference with the corruption surrounding King Farouk.
An officer apparently untainted by the corruption surrounding many other military leaders, General Sutrisno is a devout Moslem in the world's most populous Islamic nation.
The Post's editor, Jerry Nachman, strongly defended the paper's decision, maintaining that it had simply illustrated the already pervasive corruption surrounding the test.