"The corruption is destroying Cambodia, and I think maybe that is a much bigger danger than the Khmer Rouge," another student said.
It is generally assumed that semantic and phonetic corruption destroys any trace of original sound and meaning within 5,000 to 9,000 years making the application of comparative methods to ancient superfamilies highly questionable.
"The corruption of Yilmaz and Ciller has destroyed their two parties," the Istanbul newspaper Sabah said in a front-page commentary.
Though Mr. Njuguna is not quite sure what can improve his living conditions, he believes that the Government's past policies and extensive corruption are destroying Kenya.
Power cannot be maintained and effectively exercised, without a moral structure accepted and practiced by all, because power attracts the corruptible, and corruption destroys consensus.
The author, a patriotic Nigerian elder statesman laments how the corruption and the selfishness of successive leaders has destroyed the hopes not just of Nigerians, but of the entire black race.
Greed, corruption and the huge and growing disparities of wealth are destroying the West from the inside out.
Shameless, large-scale corruption on the part of politicians and dubious businessmen has destroyed the credibility of the administration in the eyes of its own nation.
Their ill will had twisted her body, and their corruption had almost destroyed her.
While Ms. Plavsic, herself a strong Serbian nationalist, does not reject those goals, she contends that widespread corruption is destroying the viability of the Bosnian Serb enclave.