His enemies scheme to have him disposed of by their corrupt Venjipoorian allies.
Some corrupt allies can also know Spells.
There were obvious similarities between Afghanistan and Vietnam: a rural insurgency, a weak and corrupt American ally, and an enemy sanctuary across the border.
So we look back to the moral capital that Robert Kennedy could draw from his integrity and from his bitter struggles against the Teamsters union and their corrupt allies in government.
But U.S. officials will argue that it will not provide long-term legitimacy or power to call for new congressional elections and judicial appointments, and no hold over his corrupt military allies.
Patterson, who had issued more than 1,400 pardons, had previously been accused of abusing the pardon power to free corrupt political allies.
Yushchenko now appears to many a compromised figure, surrounded by supposedly corrupt allies and either unwilling or unable to strike the promised blows against Ukraine's criminals and corruption.
There's the charts-and-pointer civilian leader valiantly placing budgetary controls on the military establishment, yet thinking that Harvard Business School management methods can win a peasant war for a corrupt ally against a dedicated enemy.
"It was lost where it was fought, in the jungles and rice paddies of Southeast Asia, and in the offices of a corrupt and incompetent ally."
Lawmakers have contended that the guerrilla war is unwinnable and the Colombian military is a weak and corrupt ally.