It had one platform, and a corrugated iron station building.
Until December 2007, this was a corrugated iron sheet building.
The school is held in two rugged constructed corrugated iron building.
It is a corrugated black and white building which stands near the entrance to Asda from the coast road.
Several gunners stood in front of the corrugated building, and two unarmed men by the gravel drive.
Charlie Jones landed his helicopter on a concrete pad behind the corrugated building.
They passed the low, corrugated buildings that served as bunkhouses for the workmen.
The original station had a corrugated iron building.
To our east about a mile away was a corrugated iron building which was probably a water-boring station.
But the following second a sharp command shattered the night, and a volley of automatic fire poured into the corrugated building.