Both houses have now passed serious measures that strike at the corrosive influence of special interest money in Federal elections.
It is also a place where the corrosive influence of drugs is evident, as several defense lawyers have become defendants themselves.
His screenplays frequently delved into the corrosive influences of wealth and power.
He is most offended by what he sees as a movement toward "a plutocracy" - the corrosive influence of campaign money on American politics.
"It's such a marketing-driven industry, and it's just kind of a corrosive influence on the organic program."
Representative Waxman also strongly supports legislation to reduce the corrosive influence of money in our elections.
Murdoch is the single most corrosive individual influence in this country since the war.
Britain has been the most corrosive influence within the European Union.
Finally the government had suspended league play because of organized crime's corrosive influence on the games.
Unfortunately it won't help, because the corrosive influence of special-interest money will remain.