Inland later signed up the Chrysler Corporation as a customer for the corrosion-resistant steel.
Unlike the older flat style, they were coiled and made entirely of corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
The new bars that attach to the pylon are made of low-carbon corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
It retained tariffs on corrosion-resistant steel.
Beginning in 1981, even more corrosion-resistant steel was used in the construction of the trucks.
Mr. Shaharuddin and his cleaning staff use a special polish for the corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
The stronger, corrosion-resistant ballistic steel of the barrel and bolt were in somewhat better shape.
Chinese mills cannot make corrosion-resistant steel that meets Honda's standards.
The internal mechanism and barrel are made of advanced corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
Car engines are increasingly designed to last for 150,000 miles, and bodies are now made of highly corrosion-resistant steel.