The corrosion products are then removed with the cleanup systems before the reactor is disassembled.
A substantial amount of corrosion product was found in the passages of the fuel flow meter on engine number 4.
Simonkolleite is frequently found as a corrosion product of Zn-bearing metals.
The corrosion products from this accumulated in some of the fuel channels.
Usually, the surface of the metal within the pits or areas of attack is smooth and carries no substantial corrosion product.
The appearance of corrosion products (oxides) is evaluated after a period of time.
Since the corrosion product (rust) is expansive, the expansion caused further damage by cracking the marble.
It is also a rare corrosion product on archaeological finds.
From the above equations, it is also seen that the corrosion products are dictated by the availability of water and oxygen.
The pits on the surface are often obscured by corrosion products.