The corridor where the former main office was now contains a row of 8 water fountains.
Alia, growing aware that the corridor beyond the doorway contained fallen guards, realized that Leto must have dealt with them, that this child had shattered her impregnable door.
The corridor also contains the Year 7 lockers, as it is in this corridor where most of their classes are held.
This corridor contains the city's newer, commercial area that caters to the high volume of traffic brought to the area by I-75 and I-40.
The habitat areas and corridors contain threatened and endangered species which are protected under State and Commonwealth legislation.
The corridor from the Jeppesen Terminal and Concourse A usually contains additional temporary exhibits.
The corridor presently contains working-class residents and immigrant populations from Laos and Vietnam.
The corridor contains original, Art Deco-style, interior finishes.
The vast corridor contained nothing to make a sound but themselves.
The central corridor contains the Grand Staircase and has a checkered marble floor, bronze railings and a coffered plaster ceiling.