In this round, all but two justices - Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas - correctly rejected the advocates' specious religious discrimination claim.
So Saccheri correctly rejected it.
Differing, children of all ages, including adolescents, were less likely than adults to correctly reject a target-absent lineup.
Mr. Reich correctly rejects this economic paranoia.
So Jeffords correctly rejected a finesse that was not going to help him, and pinned his hopes on a favorable diamond position.
Type III error: "correctly rejecting the null hypothesis for the wrong reason".
The Senate correctly rejected the effort to inject mediocrity into the nation's highest court.
The task force correctly rejected the idea of imposing a "living" wage, calling instead for companies to pay only the locally prevailing minimum wage.
Mr. Bush, while correctly rejecting renewed calls for isolationism, has failed to articulate the direction in which our country must move.
The House of Representatives correctly rejected this proposal to change the way organs are allocated in this country.